Licence / Permit


Relevant information on Licence/Permit

Relevant Authority

IBT Trainer

Approval of an ‘off-road’ training facility to provide training under the Initial Basic Training (IBT) scheme

Road Safety Authority - Driving Instructors

Driver Education Section,
Moy Valley Business Park,
Primrose Hill,
Dublin Road,
Ballina, Co. Mayo
Email: adi@rsa.ie

Import licence under Regulation 18(11) To authorise the importation by a licensed wholesaler of an animal remedy authorised in another Member State for supply to a veterinary practitioner for use in accordance with Regulation 18 of SI 786 of 2007.

Agriculture.gov.ie - Veterinary Medicines

Veterinary Medicines Section,
Dept of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Backweston Administration Building,
Celbridge, Co. Kildare 
Tel: +353 1 505 8662 /
+353 1 505 8665
Import Licences Import of textiles from North Korea and Belarus; steel from Kazakhstan; and wood from Russia.

DETE (enterprise.gov.ie)


Licensing Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment , 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, D02 TD30.

Tel: +353 1 631 2256

E-mail: imports@enterprise.gov.ie

Individual Authorisation All individuals performing scientific procedures on animals must be adequately trained and must hold an individual authorisation. Likewise, individuals carrying out the role of project manager under a project authorisation (sometimes known as ‘P.I.s’) as well as those involved in the euthanasia of animals must hold an individual authorisation.

The Health Products Regulatory Authority- Scientific Animal Protection

Health Products Regulatory Authority,
Kevin O'Malley House,
Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort House, Dublin 2,
Tel: +353 1 676 4971
Email: info@hpra.ie

Individual Dual-use Export Licence Control of export of dual-use goods and technology under Council Regulation 428 of 2009 as amended.

Export Licences - DETE (enterprise.gov.ie)

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Email: export.control@enterprise.gov.ie

Industrial Emissions Licensing

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the competent authority for granting and enforcing Industrial Emissions (IE) licences for specified industrial and agriculture activities listed in the First Schedule to the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 as amended.
When applying to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for an Industrial Emissions licence or the review of a licence, an applicant must satisfy a number of legislative requirements. These are largely set out in:
The EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensing) Regulations, 2013 (S.I. No. 137 of 2013)
European Union (Industrial Emissions) Regulations 2013 (S.I. 138 of 2013). The EPA Act 1992 as amended
The Regulations are available at  www.irishstatutebook.ie

Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Office of Climate,Licensing & Resource Use
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
County Wexford
Tel: +353 53 916 0600
Email: licensing@epa.ie

Inland Open Water Lifeguard Award

To qualify a person to work as a River or Lake Lifeguard in Ireland and in a number of other countries abroad

Irish Water Safety

Irish Water Safety,
The Long Walk,
Tel: +353 91 564 400
Email: info@iws.ie

Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) Licensing

IPC licenses aim to prevent or reduce emissions to air, water and land, reduce waste and use energy/resources efficiently. An IPC licence is a single integrated licence which covers all emissions from a facility and for its environmental management.
All related operations that the licence holder carries in connection with the activity are controlled by this licence.
Before a licence is granted, service providers must satisfy the Environmental Protection Agency that emissions from the activity do not cause a significant adverse environmental impact.
When applying to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for an IPC licence, an applicant must satisfy a number of legislative requirements. These are largely set out in EPA (Integrated Pollution Control) (Licensing) Regulations, 2013 (S.I. No. 283 of 2013) and in the EPA Act 1992 as amended.
The Regulations are available at www.irishstatutebook.ie

Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Environmental Sustainability,
PO Box 3000,
Johnstown Castle Estate,
County Wexford
Tel: +353 53 91 60600
Email: licensing@epa.ie

International Driving Permit

A translation of your driving licence and allows you to drive in most countries in the World.

National Driving Licence Service

AA Travel Services,
61A South William Street, Dublin
Email: info@ndls.ie

International Road Haulage Operator’s Licence

This licence grants access to the profession of road haulage operator within the Republic of Ireland and the member states of the European Union. An operator who engages in road haulage for hire or reward is required to have this licence.

Road Transport Operator, Licensing Online

Road Transport Operator Licensing Unit, 
Dept. of Transport,
Clonfert House, Bride St., Loughrea, Co. Galway
Tel: +353 76 100 1601 Email: rtol@transport.gov.ie

International Road Passenger Transport Operator’s Licence

This licence grants access to the profession of road passenger transport operator within the Republic of Ireland and the member states of the European Union. An operator who engages in road passenger transport for hire or reward is required to have this licence.

Road Transport Operator, Licensing Online

Road Transport Operator Licensing Unit,
Department of Transport,
Clonfert House, Bride St., Loughrea, Co. Galway
Tel: +353 76 100 1601 Email: rtol@transport.gov.ie

Intra Community Transfer of defence related goods

Control of transfer within the Community of military goods and technology under the European Communities (Intra Community Transfers of Defence Related Products) Regulations, 2011 (SI No. 346 of 2011)

Export Licences - DETE (enterprise.gov.ie)

Licensing Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Email: export.control@enterprise.gov.ie 

Intruder Alarm (Installation & Maintenance)

Licence issued to a contractor to legally provide a security service.

The Private Security Authority

The Private Security Authority
Davis Street
Tipperary Town
Co. Tipperary
E34 PY91
Tel: +353 62 32628
Email: licensing@psa-gov.ie



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